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Project for authorizing the execution of construction works

Excerpt from Law no. 453/2001 for amending and supplementing Law no. 50/1991 regarding the authorization of the execution of the construction works and some measures for the realization of the houses

The project for authorizing the execution of construction works is elaborated by authorized designers, natural or legal persons, according to the provisions of art. 62 of the present law, and is extracted from the technical project drawn up according to the legal provisions in force, in accordance with the requirements of the urban planning certificate, with the content of the opinions and agreements required by it.


The project for authorizing the execution of construction works is prepared for:

  • authorizing the execution of the construction works - P.A.C .;

  • authorizing the execution of the cancellation works - P.A.D .;

  • authorizing the execution of the organization of works - P.O.E.


The framework content of the project for authorizing the execution of the construction works includes the opposite of the written and drawn parts, which must be submitted for authorization.


In totally exceptional situations, depending on the complexity of the investment subject to the authorization, with the approval of the technical commission for spatial planning and urban planning, they may be required by the urban planning certificate and other technical elements with additional clarification role, to be included within the framework. Project for authorizing the execution of construction works - PAC / PAD


A. The project for authorizing the execution of the construction works - P.A.C.


I. Written pieces


1. List and signatures of designers. It is complemented by the clear name and quality of the designers, as well as the part of the project for which they are responsible.


2. Memorandum.


2.1. General dates:

Description of the works that are the subject of the project for the authorization of the construction works, referring to:

  • the location, its topography, the tracing of the works;

  • climate and specific natural phenomena;

  • geology and seismic risk;

  • the importance category of the objective.


2.2. Specialized memories

Description of works by:

  • architecture;

  • structure;

  • installations;

  • technological equipment and facilities, as the case may be;

  • exterior arrangements and vertical systematization.


2.3. Data and indices that characterize the projected investment, included in the annex to the application for authorization:

  • the surfaces - built deployed, built on the ground and useful;

  • the heights of the buildings and the number of levels;

  • volume of constructions;

  • the percentage of occupancy of the land - P.O.T .;

  • land use coefficient - C.U.T.


2.4. The general motto of the works, drawn up in accordance with the legal provisions in force


2.5. Appendix to the memo

2.5.1. Geotechnical study;

2.5.2. The project verification reports, in accordance with the legislation in force regarding the quality in constructions, prepared by verifiers certified by the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing and approved by the investor;

2.5.3. Datasheets containing the elements of opinion necessary to issue the single agreement, obtained through the care of the issuer of the authorization and required by the urban planning certificate;

2.5.4. The specific documentation required to obtain, through the issuer's authorization, the opinions of the Fire Brigade, the Civil Defense Command and the environmental agreement;

2.5.5. Specific opinions required by the urban planning certificate, due to the special conditions of location or the functionality of the investment, obtained previously by the applicant - the opinion of the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Housing, the Ministry of Culture and Cults, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Interior, the Romanian Service of Information, of other bodies of the central administration or of their decentralized services, as the case may be, according to the legal regulations in force;

2.5.6. The agreement of the neighbors, according to the legal provisions in force, expressed in authentic form, for the new constructions, located adjacent to the existing constructions or in their immediate vicinity - and only if intervention measures are needed to protect them -, for the construction works necessary to change the destination in existing buildings, as well as in the case of construction of constructions with a destination other than that of neighboring buildings.

II. Drawings


1. General sketches

1.1. Sketches of classification in the territory

  • sketch on topographic support targeted by the County Office of Cadaster, Geodesy and Cartography, drawn up at the stairs: 1: 10,000, 1: 5,000, 1: 2,000 or 1: 1,000, as the case may be


1.2. Situational sketches

  • regarding the location of the investment objectives - a sketch on a topographic support targeted by the County Office of Cadaster, Geodesy and Cartography, drawn up in scales: 1: 2,000, 1: 1,000, 1: 500, 1: 200 or 1: 100, depending on which case states:

    • the cadaster sketch for which the urban planning certificate was issued, described by all the topographic elements determining for the surface, the length of the sides, angles, including the position and the height at the ridge of the bordering heels, as well as the position of the fixed and movable marking landmarks;

    • the location of all the constructions that will be maintained, destroyed or constructed;

    • the dimensions of the constructions designed and maintained, on the three dimensions (dimensions ± 0,00; level dimensions; distances of locations, axes; dimensions of sidewalks, alleys, platforms, etc.);

    • the names and destinations of each building body;

    • the vertical systematization of the land and the way of the storm water drainage;

    • pedestrian and carriageway accesses from the premises and buildings, the planned plantations.


1.3. Sketch for underground construction

It will include their location, especially the urban utilities networks in the area of the site: routes, dimensions, level quotas for the positioning of the homes - eraser and lid -, and will be drafted on the 1: 500 scale.

In case of the lack of public networks of technical-urban equipment, the own installations provided by the project will be indicated, especially those for water supply and sewerage.


2. Sketches by specialty

2.1. Architecture

The pieces drawn by the architecture will include the main drawings regarding the architecture of each object, drawn on the scale 1:50 or 1: 100, as follows:

  • quoted plans of all subterranean and subterranean levels, indicating functions, dimensions and surfaces;

  • the plans of the roofs - terrace or roof - with the indication of the slopes of the drainage of the meteoric waters and of the way of their collection, including the indication of the materials from which the covers are executed;

  • characteristic sections - especially on the highest slope line, where appropriate -, comprising the ± 0,00 level, the dimensions of all levels, the determining heights of the roof - the ridge and cornice levels -, the foundations of the neighboring buildings where join the projected constructions;

  • all the facades, with the indication of the materials and finishes, including the colors, quoted and with the indication of the connection at the level of the arranged land;

  • in the situation of the integration of the constructions in an existing front, the street development will be presented which will show how to integrate them into the existing urban fabric.


2.2. Structure

2.2.1. The foundation sketch

It is done at 1:50 scale and will reveal:

  • how to comply with the conditions of the geotechnical study;

  • the measures to protect the foundations of the neighboring buildings, to which the projected constructions join.

2.2.2. Details of foundations


2.3. installations

2.3.1. Schemes of the installations

The main parameters and the functional schemes of the designed installations will be presented.


2.4. Technological equipment and installations

In the situation in which the investment is to operate on the basis of technological facilities and installations, determining for the planimetric configuration of the constructions, they will be presented:

2.4.1. Overall drawings

2.4.2. Schemes of the technological flow

Each sheet presented in Section II - DRAWINGS will have on the bottom right a cartridge, which will include: the name of the company or design designer, the registration number or the authorization number, as the case may be, the title of the project and the plan, the number of the project and the the plan, the date of elaboration, the name, the quality and the signature of the developers and the project manager.



B. The project for authorizing the execution of the cancellation works - P.A.D.


I. Written pieces


1. List and signatures of designers

It is complemented by the clear name and quality of the designers, as well as the part of the project for which they are responsible.


2. Memorandum

2.1. General data

Description of the construction to be abolished:

  • short history: year of construction, known trades, other characteristic dates;

  • description of the structure, of the constituent materials, of the architectural style;

  • mention and description of heritage or decorative elements to be collected;

  • color photographs - 9x12 cm format - of all the facades, and where appropriate, there will be presentations resulting from the assembly of several photographs;

  • description of the works that are the subject of the project for the authorization of the cancellation works


2.2. Datasheets containing the elements of opinion necessary to issue the unique agreement obtained through the care of the issuer of the authorization and required by the urban planning certificate.


II. Drawings


1. Sketch for framing the territory

  • sketch on topographic support targeted by the County Office of Cadaster, Geodesy and Cartography, drawn up at the stairs: 1: 10,000, 1: 5,000, 1: 2,000 or 1: 1,000, as the case may be.


2. Sketch on the situation of the buildings

  • sketch on topographic support targeted by the County Office of cadaster, geodesy and cartography, drawn up in scales: 1: 2,000, 1: 1,000, 1: 500, 1: 200 or 1: 100, as the case may be, specifying:

    • the cadaster sketch for which the urban planning certificate was issued;

    • the location of all the constructions that will be maintained or destroyed;

    • the way of arranging the land after the completion of the constructions;

    • the vertical systematization of the land and the way of the storm water drainage;

    • the existing plantations and which are maintained after dismantling

On the sketch, the existing elements, the ones that will be abolished and the proposed ones - situation plan, new constructions or earth fillings, plantations, etc., will be indicated, as the case may be.


3. The plan for underground constructions

It will include their location, especially the urban utilities networks in the area of the site: routes, dimensions, level quotas for the positioning of the homes - eraser and lid -, and will be drafted on the 1: 500 scale.

In the case of the lack of public networks of technical-urban equipment, the own installations provided by the project will be indicated, especially those for water supply and sewerage.


4. Relevance of the constructions to be abolished

The sketches will be done on a convenient scale - 1: 100 or 1:50 -, to allow the highlighting of the existing spaces and functions, indicating the dimensions, surfaces and existing materials:

  • the plans of all levels and the roof plan;

  • the main sections: transverse, longitudinal, other characteristic sections, as the case may be;

  • all facades.



C. Project for organizing the execution of works - P.O.E.


Project for organizing the execution of works - P.O.E. - it is necessary in all cases where an investment is made. In the event that it is not presented together with the project for authorizing the execution of the construction works, a building permit will be obtained separate from that for the actual investment.


The project for organizing the execution of the works must include the description of all the preparatory and necessary provisional works in order to ensure the technology for the execution of the investment, both on the land related to the investment and on the spaces occupied temporarily outside it, including those in the public domain, as it follows:


I. Written pieces


1. List and signatures of designers

It is complemented by the clear name and quality of the designers, as well as the part of the project for which they are responsible.


2. Memorandum

It will include:

  • description of the provisional works: organization of the premises, how to place the constructions, arrangements and warehouses of materials;

  • providing and procuring materials and equipment;

  • ensuring the temporary connection to the urban utilities network in the site area;

  • details on accesses and fences;

  • specifications regarding labor protection.


The technical elements of the approval regarding the provisional connection to the urban utilities in the area, necessary in order to obtain the unique agreement, will be presented in the Technical Data Sheets drawn up in the Project for authorizing the execution of the construction works - P.A.C. or P.A.D., as the case may be.


II. Drawings


General sketch

a) for larger works, a sketch drawn up according to the situational sketch is drafted regarding the location of the investment objectives, including the investment location and all the necessary temporary arrangements and constructions for its accomplishment;

b) in the smaller works, the elements of organizing the execution of the works may be presented in the situational sketch regarding the location of the investment objectives of the project for authorizing the execution of the construction works.


In case the cancellation requires complex technical operations, a technical project for organizing the execution of the works will be presented.


Each sketch presented in Section II DRAWINGS shall have on the bottom right a mention, which shall include: the name of the company or design designer, the registration number or the authorization number, as the case may be, the title of the project and the plan, the number of the project and the plan , elaboration date, name, quality and signature of the developers and the project manager.

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